Some recent references
Administration of the Environment, Luxembourg - Projection of NOx emissions (2014)
Projection of NOx emissions in Luxembourg up to 2030

Ministry of Sustainable Development (MDDI), Luxembourg (2015) - Evaluation of policies and measures
Assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential in the building sector

SPW DGO4 - Energy Roadmap (2012)
Energy Roadmap: quantified vision of the energy sector up to 2020 (in collaboration with ICEDD)

Agence wallonne de l'Air et du Climat (AwAC) - Reference scenario (2015)
Reference scenario of greenhouse gas emissions in Wallonia up to 2035

National Climate Commission - Fluorinated gases emissions inventory (2015)
Emission inventory of fluorinated gases for Belgium and its three regions, and projections up to 2030 (in collaboration with VITO)
European Commission, ADEME (France) - ODYSSEE-MURE (1993-2015)
Participation in the European ODYSSEE-MURE project (, on energy efficiency indicators and policies

European Commission - Energy information systems in Africa (2000-2015)
Assistance for the development and the implementation of energy information systems in Africa (SYNERGY, COOPENER, Energy Facilities programmes)

FPS Environment - Evaluation of greenhouse gas emission reductions (2015)
Evaluation of the greenhouse gas emission reductions resulting from policies and measures taken by the Federal government (in collaboration with Vito)

Ministry of Sustainable Development, Luxembourg - Development of a projection tool (2014)
Development of a projection tool for CO2 emissions in the residential and tertiary sectors in Luxembourg

Brussels Environment - Indicators scoreboard (2014)
Scoreboard of indicators on Sustainable Buildings in the Brussels-Capital région